
February 17th

Nobility: superiority of character

Far too few people seek to be noble in this day and age. We have glorified breaking the rules, bending morality, and being excessive.
Today, if you abide by Biblical morals you are a "prude", if you abide by the rules then you are too submissive, and if you are wealthy then you should be respected (no questions asked).

Nobility used to be one of the most coveted titles of all men.

When did it become "uncool" to act justly, extend mercy, and walk humbly?
When did grace become passivity and selfless love become accommodating ?


February 11th

Do something that makes you nervous. It will get your heart rate up...it'll be good for you.


learn to love it now

"So if the work you are creating demands completion before you can find fulfillment, it’s doubtful the creation will be finished, and perhaps more doubtful it will be any good when it’s done. You’ll labor through it, pushing it up a hill like a broken cart. But if you can love the actual work, not the finished product, you’re on to something. If you have a rhythm, if you get up every morning and work for a few hours, and you like the getting up and the work, and you don’t think about how great it will be when it’s done, but rather how great it is every day that you get to get up and do the work, your creation will be tremendous. Don’t think about the finished product. Stop rewarding yourself with something that doesn’t exist, and may never exist. Instead, think about how delightful it is you get to do this, you get to make this, and how delightful it will be to get up and do it again tomorrow." -Donald Miller