
The heard and loved lately's

1. "Our society does not know how to grieve well"... We have forgotten that it is okay to cry, it is okay to mourn, it is okay to feel.
2. All things lead to relationship.
3. The Lord cares more for who we become, not what we accomplish.
4. "Becoming aware of what is true and false about ourselves is essential for spiritual growth, and is not always comfortable."
5. Knowing about someone is not the same as knowing who they are.
6. Sarcasm can kill a persons spirit.
7. I don't have to let my personality define me.
8. Resting does not come naturally, I must consciously decide to make it happen.
9. "It's not enough to assume that every relationship is a triangle (2 people and the Lord) rather than a line (2 people), because assumptions go by the way side. You must consciously choose to put him there on a moment by moment basis."
10. Organic Chai Tea mix does not taste good when it is over a year old.


benjamin said...
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way said...

hey, hope you're doing well.

thanks for that. i needed to hear all of those things.