
do wild things always run?

They say, "Don't try to tame a wild thing"
.... I think I may be a wild thing.

The caged feeling comes all too quickly.
I am getting tired of being a "wild thing".

Is it possible to ever be tamed without losing the feeling of freedom?
I think so.... but I don't have the slightest idea of what that's like.

Natural Submission maybe?
Something so right that I don't even notice when its happening.
Maybe I will wake up one day, realize that it's happened,
And love it completely.


way said...

Hmm. Interesting pickle we have ourselves in here. We're all wild at heart. There is the rebellious wild who derive happiness from earthly sins. Then there is the self-disciplined wild who have a radiant joy that can come from just being joyful.

jennifer helton said...

i'm pretty sure i know exactly what you're talking about. and natural submission, yes. you'll feel more free because of it, and you won't even realize you're submitting. God made us wild things. submission is like His freedom. from the outside, we think He has all these rules to keep us from things; likewise, we feel submission locks us down. on the contrary, His "rules" increase our freedom to live fully, and submission when it's right, and natural, only increases that freedom. it's nothing we can do...the more we surrender, the more it just happens. make sense? hope so :)