I'm reading Brennen Mannings book "Souvenirs of Solitude". He quotes someone in the book and says that we must learn to trust the Lord in our suffering...not this "PollyAnna optimism"B.S., but seriously and serenely trusting.
" Our hope, our acceptance to the Lords invitation is not based on the idea that we are going to be free of pain and suffering. Rather, it is based on the firm conviction that we will triumph over suffering...this is not the kind of hope that yields to discouragement, defeat, and frustration. On the contrary, Christian hope stands firm and serene, confident even in the face of the Holocaust, even in the face of terminal cancer. However serious we believe Good Friday is, we are confident that Easter Sunday lies ahead of us. What if we die? Jesus died too; and if Jesus died, we believe that now He lives and we shall live too."
What did it look like to trust the Lord and his goodness while staring the Holocaust in the face? What does it look like to trust the Lord while being a hostage of the sex trafficking industry?
When I think of things that are so large scale (The Holocaust, Sex Slavery etc) my petty troubles seem so very insignificant. But for many people, life is not full of Holocausts and literal slavery BUT our seemingly trivial in comparison sufferings do matter. It may be a death in the family, it may be a broken heart, a really hard friendship, a divorce, emotional confusion etc.... I'm learning that the Lord doesn't look at my hurts and troubles and say "Gah.. suck it up Caroline... you have it easy". Anything that hurts my heart hurts his, anything that makes me cry makes him well up with the urge to comfort me. Yes, I should be thankful for the mercies and grace that I am given and don't deserve but it doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel how I feel and be real and honest about what hurts, what sucks, what makes me sad etc. How awesome that we have the freedom to feel how we feel. How awesome that our God is trustworthy and that he cares about people that the world calls insignificant.
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