
A New Years List

So this year I decided to make a list of things I want to accomplish. One thing for each year that I have been alive. Not anything drastic, no impossible goals, simply a few things to do this year that will motivate bigger changes in the future.

#1 Get my piano tuned
#2 Get my bike fixed at this Cool place
#3 Open up a savings account
#4 Create a budget
#5 Finish calling everyone on my potential donor list for support raising
#6 Write monthly news letters
#7 Plant something (Flowers,Veggies, fruits etc)
#8 Start using more natural products
#9 Cut back on hydrogenated oils and trans fats
#10 Get a planner
#11 Paint my coat rack
#12 Join a fitness class
#13 Call an out of town friend once a week
#14 Obtain a 3 hole punch
#15 Buy an external hard drive
#16 Cook more often
#17 Sign up for a city recycling bin
#18 Shop locally
#19 Invite new people over for dinner
#20 Craft once a month
#21 Blog once a week
#22 Have more intentional conversations; ask more questions
#23 Organize support group for my homeless project

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