
Praying for Presence

Yesterday I went downtown to walk.
I parked in the garage and walked up and down gay street, through market square, down through old city and back. On two different occasions old men who were driving down the street pulled over, rolled down the window and said hello and asked me how I was doing. Let me clarify first and foremost that they weren't being creepy, they had friends/ family in the car with them. So it wasn't a pick up or anything, just a couple of nice strangers.

I have no idea who they were, or why they did that.. but after it happened a second time, I really started thinking about it..
My first thought was "Do I have a sign on my back that says 'speak to me'?"
Then I started thinking about how ever since I started reading 'Captivating' (a book that I have a love/hate relationship with) I have been praying, that more than anything, the presence of God would pour out of me. That beyond my appearance, my personality, etc. I would exude a joy that is uncalled for and unearthly.
So I started thinking.. maybe I'm getting what I prayed for

I went to Panera for lunch and had some similar interactions, random people being exceptionally nice or asking how I was doing.
What sealed the deal on this thought process was my favorite part of the day.
After lunch I went back to Market Square to read (it was nice out) and when I got up to leave, a blind man told me I was beautiful.
Clearly I was kind of confused. I looked at him and saw immediately that he was blind (he had those glazed over blue eyes that are beautiful in their blindness) and all I could say was thank you. On my way back to my car I thought about it some more.
Obviously he had no idea what I looked like and had no idea who I was (or even if I was a nice person) but something made him say that.
A friend pointed out that blind people sense light.. who knows.. maybe I had some kind of spiritual light around me.

Honestly, having a blind man tell me I am beautiful is both humbling and wonderful.
It had absolutely nothing to do with me.
And everything to do with the God that I serve.

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