
"now I lay me down to sleep"

"Justice is what love looks like in public"
Where do you see, hear and feel God the most?
-Go to those places, Serve in those places, love the people in those places.

When the day is over and I can finally lay my head down on my pillow,
there are many unresolved questions, many worries, many fleeting thoughts,
wishes, regrets, dreams...but there
are a few things I am sure of.
Regardless of the fact that I don't have the job I desire...
Regardless of whether or not I know where I will live next year...
Despite the fact that I have 1 year left until I graduate and I'm still not sure if what I want to do has a job title that corresponds with it...
Although there are many tainted relationships, gaping wounds in my soul, and unsurities (apparently unsurities isn't a real word) floating around in my mind...

I know that I serve a God who is inevitably good.
I know and believe that he has my best in mind and great things in store for me.
I feel loved and can rest assured in the fact that He has all of the control that I so badly try to manage in moments of weakness.

I can turn all my lights off, shut my eyes and sleep- covered in the light of a God that had mercy on me, gave me grace, has called me to leave all behind and follow (blindly at times) Him one step at a time and to trust that my future is in His hands and not my own.


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