
Play our hearts lament,

Like an Unrehearsed Symphony

I think there is a reason that dust looks dull and gray when resting on a desk,
but shimmers when it falls past the sun coming through your window
I think there is a reason that money is the root of all evil
but allows the poor to be fed and clothed.
I think there is a reason that tears come both when you are overwhelmingly happy,
and when you are terribly sad.

[to continue the movie quotes...]
Crimes and Misdemeanors

"We're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices."


way said...

That's really funny that the 1st thing you comment on is my story about Clayvon. i didn't know you read my blog. So you have 2, eh? Is your other one not operative anymore? I like you Jars of Clay reference and did you write that poem. And I love Woody Allen. Heather Barton, a dear friend of mine, has been watching a lot of him lately, such as Annie Hall and whatnot. We watched "Crimes and Misd..." senior year at CPA for a bible class. Great movie.

Sorry for all the questions.

way said...

i meant ... so you have 2 blogs?

Caroline said...

yessir I wrote it.
And I do in fact have 2 blogs. One is more like a journal, just for meeeee.